Contrary to popular belief, most women actually detest shopping. They walk into a store, get overwhelmed, try on some items and get frustrated. Then walk out again. Fashion magazines are not helpful either. The models are usually dressed in outfits that would not be considered everyday wear. Plus, they are bone thin, young and photographed in some luxurious place.

Yet, women need to be dressed in appropriate clothing based on their lifestyles. Where to begin?
Looking in the closet might be a good place to start. Most women would agree with the 80/20 Rule that only 20% of the clothes in the closet is worn 80% of the time! Begin to understand WHY some clothing choices are worn more often than others. Is the item more flattering, more comfortable? Is the item black? This is often the default color for many women’s wardrobes.

Begin to grasp what creates style. It has nothing to do with blindly following fashion. Women need to spend a bit of time looking at themselves accurately and acknowledge that they have a style. They just need to figure out what it is!

How to Create Your Own Personal Style: The 3 Elements

The three main elements of style include body assessment, colour analysis and fashion personality.

1. Body Assessment

Trying to imitate the fashion items that models in magazines are wearing will be frustrating. Models are skinny rectangles. But women have different bodies in terms of weight distribution, age, body type, etc. With the help of vertical and horizontal measurements, a woman can determine if she is Triangle, Inverted Triangle, Rectangle, Oval, Diamond or Hour Glass. Furthermore, she can also find out if her body is Balanced, Short-Torso/Long Legs or Long-Torso/Short Legs.

Maria Triangle

Maria Rectangle

Maria Hourglass

Maria Inverted Triangle

2. Colour Analysis

Is a woman more cool or warm based in her undertone? Wearing the right colours next to the face gives the skin a wonderful radiance, dark circles disappear and the tone is evened out. Once a woman has this information, shopping becomes simpler. She is not a slave to the latest fashion colour forecast. She can look at the palette and decide which colour(s) would be more flattering for her.

3. Fashion Personality

Clothes and accessories attract women according to their individual personality. For example, a Natural woman would feel overdressed in a jacket and pants everyday. Yet a Classic woman would feel completely at ease with that outfit. A Romantic/Feminine would love pearl drop earrings whereas a Dramatic would consider that a bit dull. There are Four main types:

  • Natural
  • Classic
  • Romantic/Feminine
  • Dramatic

As the saying goes, “Knowledge is Power”. The power to be stylish, attractive, well dressed whether at work or play is in the hands of the woman who decides to take this journey of self-discovery. Begin to look at clothing as wearable art. Yves Saint Laurent said it best, “Fashions fade, Style is eternal.



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