Applying for jobs can seem a bit daunting as teens are moving out of their comfort zone of home & school. However, a first job provides a young person with so much real life experience in terms of learning to work with other colleagues, the challenges of dealing...
The end of the school term is quickly approaching in some regions while other places already have had children and youth home for the past month. This time of year can be angst-filled especially if you have teens who would prefer not to rise before 1:00 pm every day....
A friend of mine shared that her son was concerned that his friend may be cutting. She asked me how to approach this with him. I mentioned the very fact that he was sharing this with her was very encouraging. He is obviously growing in empathy…concerned about the...
Teens have used all means of communicating through the years whether it was secret notes passed during class or talking on the phone in the evening. Many parents would ask the question, “Just what have you to talk about since you’ve seen each other all day...
McAfee released a survey in the US on Monday, June 25th outlining the results of teens and their online behavior The shocking statistic is that 70% of those responded admitted to hiding their online behavior from their parents. This was up from 45% in 2010 when the...