Cool Tools!

Costco Shopping Made Easy with These 10 Tips

I don’t know about you but I need to be in a certain frame of mind to go shopping at Costco. The idea of going to battle crosses my mind!! I need to do lots of deep breathing and realize that many of my fellow Costco shoppers may not read this blog post inspired by...

Global Dining Do’s and Don’ts

As the business world gets smaller due to globalization, it's not uncommon to have work colleagues who live in other parts of the world. While feeling closer knit within a community is a good thing, there are still cultural differences that exist and these need to be...

Adulting 101

When my children were little, the newest buzzword was actually a noun that was given a verb tense. I’m talking about the word “parent”. My “dyed in the wool English teacher” mother-in-law was aghast at the way the noun was being used. Even I have caught on and talk...

Get Teens Communicating This Summer

The end of the school term is quickly approaching in some regions while other places already have had children and youth home for the past month. This time of year can be angst-filled especially if you have teens who would prefer not to rise before 1:00 pm every day....

Do your Fitness Goals include Good Gym Etiquette, too?

It’s the New Year. And with that come the resolutions especially the one related to getting the elusive "six pack"!! Most gyms see a surge of new memberships only to see most of those fall away by mid-March. Nevertheless, whenever a group of people congregate, there...

Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

Parents often worry whether their child is ready for Kindergarten in terms of intellectual readiness. They want to be sure that all or most of the bases have been covered. But don’t forget about the social readiness that’s very important, too. The following are 5 main...

Do’s and Don’ts of Biking Etiquette

Nothing says “Summer is finally here!!” then when people get out and go biking! It’s a simple way to enjoy those terrific pathways. Did you know that Calgary boasts over 500 km of bike lanes and pathways?? Bike blogger, Tom Babin, has some tips for us to make it safe...

Keep Junior From Being a Screen Junkie This Summer

It’s almost the end of the school year and everyone is itching for some "fun in the sun" relaxation. Parents also enjoy the change from the daily grind of the family schedule!!! Even with the best of intentions, sometimes our children may become glued to their...

Six Things You Need to Know About Service Dogs

I have always loved dogs since I can remember. I especially have a soft spot for Service animals. They are a very special select group of canines. Did you know they begin their two year training from day 1 as puppies? I once asked a trainer who had a puppy “in...

How Oversharing can Hurt Job Prospects

Once again, someone recently used Twitter to air her grievance. It’s becoming a too common occurrence. Whether someone leaves a nasty note on a vehicle about parking issues or notes to neighbors about their “noisy” children or invoices to parents who missed the party...

Contact Us

Maria Doll
Email Me
Located in Calgary, AB



Maria and her Etiquette Program have been featured in several media outlets including:
