Make Prom Night Memorable

Some of our youth are at that grand juncture of life – AKA high school graduation – preparing for the next major step. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate the years of preparation to achieve this event. Providing some general guidance in terms of prom etiquette to your...

Make Transit Travel More Tolerable

Just over two weeks ago, an obviously pregnant woman had to stand on a crowded train while no one offered her a seat despite the fact of giving eye contact to some of the passengers. Just before blacking out, she asked a young woman for her seat but barely got the...

Navigate the Minefield of School

Friendships and just plain dealing with other students in school can be difficult. Do your teens ever come across students who put others down for being smart, well-behaved, industrious and moral? This nasty behaviour is done to devalue those traits that others have...

Help Teens Be More Empathetic

A friend of mine shared that her son was concerned that his friend may be cutting. She asked me how to approach this with him. I mentioned the very fact that he was sharing this with her was very encouraging. He is obviously growing in empathy…concerned about the...


Maria and her Etiquette Program have been featured in several media outlets including:



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